Discover the results of the Servathon - All Year Round, a program that allows Sodexo employees to give back locally.
In 2021, Stop Hunger Canada was the first country to launch its year-round Servathon calendar. The Stop Hunger Foundation's Servathon program tracks all volunteer, fundraising, food recovery and food drive activities that have supported local organizations.
Since January 2021, 44 sites and departments:
- Contributed over 1135 volunteer hours
- Redistributed over 23,709 KG of food
- Raised over $19,697
Selwyn House, Ultimate Servathon winner
Since last December, the Selwyn House team has continued to impress us with their dedication. The team raised $2,775 for two Montreal-area organizations and redistributed 740.9 KG of food. With their 4 initiatives, the employees also accumulated 70 hours of volunteer work. As a result of their efforts, Selwyn House employees will receive an additional $500 to donate to the local organization of their choice. Congratulations to Silvana Parnas and her team!
Beneficiary organizations of the Stop Hunger Foundation since 2021:
- Student Union Food Resource Center
- Nourish Nova Scotia
- Fredericton Community Kitchens
- Breakfast Club of Canada
- Moisson Montreal
- Moisson Laval
- Moisson Québec
- Centre d'action bénévole Valcourt et Région
- L'Oeuvre des samaritains
- Centre des aînés du réseau d'entraide st-léonard
- Centre d'Entraide le Relais
- Rock Guertin Foundation
- Resilience Montréal
- The portage program for drug dependencies inc.
- Un cœur pour les autres
- Les petits trésors
- Carrefour pour elle
- Coopérative de solidarité Nimilupan Nitshinatsh
- Second Harvest
- Ottawa Food Bank
- Food For Life
- Children's Charity
- Mikinakoos Children's Funds
- Grunthal Caring Hands Food Bank Inc.
- Saskatoon Friendship In
- Regina foodbank
- White Buffalo Youth Lodge
- Wood Buffalo Bank
- Roman Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Calgary - Feed the Hungry
- Centre of hope non-profit society of Fort Mcmurray
- Langley Food Bank Society
- Greater Vancouver Food Bank Society
For any unit or department that would like to continue to make a difference, check out the Servathon calendar on Sodexo Net to see how you can contribute.
If you are a local NGO and you have needs, contact Camille Garneau Gaudreault