Meet the winning team members of the Stop Hunger Challenge and discover the key to their success.
Due to their consistency, discipline, and team spirit, Fighting to Stop Hunger, formed with 6 employees from Sodexo Canada's Human Resources team: Ariane Montcalm, Maude Rhéaume, Stéphanie Legault, Jade Ames, Lindsey Shimizu and their captain Jordana Gottlieb, emerged as the grand champions of the Stop Hunger Challenge. To find out more about the key to their success, Stop Hunger wanted to talk to the members of this great team who were able to surprise us until the very end.
1. What was your source of motivation that kept you in the top teams throughout the competition?
We had many sources of motivation: first, knowing that so many of our colleagues across the country were participating pushed us to excel. It was important for us to support each other. We are a competitive team and we wanted to show that we could do it! It was so much fun to see so many familiar names, track progress, and meet goals. The fact that it was for a great cause made it even better!
2. What was the key to your success?
Consistency, discipline, and teamwork! Everyone's strengths were leveraged, and we communicated well to make sure we didn't miss any of the mission deadlines. Everyone always wore their watches and made sure to work and keep up with each daily workout. Everyone participated in the missions as well!
3. Was there one or more people who stood out on your team that kept you on the path to victory?
Each team member really stood out because of their own strengths! Tenacity, leadership, team spirit, fun and joy were all demonstrated! The fact that we stayed connected as a group was very stimulating and energizing, thanks to the group conversations. The whole team, especially Ariane and Jordana, really outdid themselves!
4. What did you enjoy most about the competition?
The team spirit: the communication updates, the chat, the Sodexo Express articles! It really pushed us to get out of our comfort zones, to move more than ever and to do the fundraising. Participating in the team missions, where we had to work together to complete challenges - like the 100km bike ride in 3 days - it was nice to feel connected, working together towards a goal. The competitive spirit, and the fact that we were helping to feed kids so they could focus on school and become the person they want to be!
5. Do you have any funny stories to share with us about the competition?
As the competition progressed, we learned that we had our own campaign manager: Pascal, Maude's partner. He took the fundraising aspect of the challenge very seriously and helped us put our strategy in place!
During the competition, Fighting to Stop Hunger also raised a total of $2,433 for the Breakfast Club of Canada. Since the team was also crowned the ultimate champion of the competition, Stop Hunger will match the amount raised with a donation to the organization of their choice: Canadian Women's Foundation, a national organization working primarily for women's empowerment and gender equality.
Congratulations to the entire team for your dedication!