Discover the results of the Stop Hunger Gala 2022.
On October 19, the Stop Hunger Foundation team held its first benefit gala in three years. On this beautiful evening under the theme of sports, more than 230 people were present among our suppliers, clients, partner organizations and Sodexo employees.
This evening was an opportunity for Stop Hunger to remind the importance of the fight against food insecurity when more than 5.8 million people suffer from it across the country.
It was also an opportunity for attendees to network, play several fun games and enjoy plant-based hors d'oeuvres prepared by our Sodexo chefs Leanne English, Davide Del Brocco, Todd McKinnon and Kyle Mason.
To top it all off, guests were also able to participate in an auction hosted by none other than our Sodexo and Stop Hunger Foundation President Suzanne Bergeron accompanied by Steven Roch and Gareth Ellis who are also members of the CLC and the Stop Hunger Board of Directors.
At the end of the evening, a total of $276,069 was raised, which will be redistributed to projects that will ensure sustainable food security for people in need.
"I would like to thank all the people who contributed to the success of this beautiful evening, including the members of my team Julie Martel, Camille Garneau Gaudreault and Davide Del Brocco, the members of the Board of Directors of the Stop Hunger Foundation as well as all the volunteers who participated in our committees and who were present on site. We could never have achieved this result without you!’’ - Normand St-Gelais, Director of Corporate Social Responsibility and Executive Director of the Stop Hunger Foundation